Love Letter to Bella

My sweet Bella...oh how I have fallen in love with you. My heart just aches when I see your smile and your bright blue eyes looking at me. I love everything about you.
I love... you instinctively know if Daddy is gone from the bed in the morning when you wake up. With eyes still closed, you reach over and pat that side of the bed where he was just a few minutes before.
...that you don't ask for breakfast. You ask for "a snack". you dress yourself. You're attracted to bright colors and you just love tights. You love to pick everything out by yourself...but if I insist that a coat must be worn, you sigh and say.."OK mooooooooom". the one thing you desire the most is to wear your "tippity taps" so you can dance all day long. And I let you. Even when it's not practical...because you love them so much. when you want to nurse, you come to me and say "just two times, and then I'm done." As you nurse, I look down at your sweet face and wonder how long it will be before you just breeze by me and don't give a second thought to the "nursies". whenever we talk about Jesus, you ask "why is He in my heart?"
...your sweet prayers telling Jesus about your day and asking Him for good pancakes in the morning.
...the relationship that you have with your Daddy. You call out his name so much more these days...desiring his care as often as mine. you insist on being called Erica (as in Princess Erica). Although several times a day, you switch and ask to be called Annaliese. You're very serious about it all, and will not answer to Bella anymore. you can't just WALK anywhere. You must skip, run, or jump.
...your gentle spirit. You have a special soft voice that you use when you talk to other kids to let them know you care about them. you will randomly proclaim... "I love you sooooo much!". You have no idea how much this melts my heart. Especially when you tell it to Daddy and I overhear.
...your ability to strike up a lengthy conversation with anyone...from old ladies on the subway in NYC to the 4 year old you just met. You are a friend to all.
...your independence. You told me yesterday that you "need your own space". And while it broke my heart, I know that you are growing up :) you have a language entirely your own, in which you can sing long songs. It's amazing how many crazy sounds you can put together to form words.
...watching you sleep at night...your cheeks so rosy and your body so warm. Part of me wants to wake you up because I miss you already...but then I remember that I need to sleep so I can be the best mommy I can be.
I love you Bella Boo.